
Can You Conceal Carry At A High School Football Game?

Conceal and carry permits allow the holder to carry a concealed weapon in some situations. Does the permit allow the holder to carry a gun into a high school football game?

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Can You Conceal Carry At A High School Football Game?

The answer is generally no. Firearms are generally prohibited on school property, so if the game is taking place on school grounds, which it probably is, you aren’t supposed to carry a gun in, even with a conceal and carry permit. Even if your team plays outside of school grounds, the same rules probably apply.

We’ll review what a conceal-and-carry permit is, in addition to where you can bring a gun and which areas or places might restrict you from carrying a weapon.

What is a conceal-and-carry permit?

The concept of a conceal and carry permit is nearly the same in every state, though some states might have tighter laws for who can get one: The permit gives the holder the legal right to carry a concealed firearm with them to some places.

When we say “concealed,” we mean that the firearm needs to be on your body in a way that isn’t obvious to others. Most conceal and carry holders will use a holster or some device so that the presence of a firearm blends in with the rest of their body. 

They also have the option to have a firearm on their ankle or in a purse.

The actual permissions and process for getting a conceal and carry permit vary by state.

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Can you bring a gun to a high school football game if you have a concealed weapons permit?

The answer is typically no. While some conceal and carry holders want to protect themselves at all times, they have to know the law well enough to know when to leave the firearm at home or in their vehicle. 

In most states, conceal and carry does not extend to child care centers, school zones, or state and federal buildings, including hospitals and national parks.

In a fairly recent news story, the father of a child attending a game forgot to put his firearm in his vehicle and accidentally dropped it while walking around. 

He was promptly handcuffed by police and spent a short time in jail and was charged with a misdemeanor. While there are many places that a conceal and carry holder can carry their guns, a school isn’t one of them.

What if they don’t have signs for a gun-free zone?

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Even the father in the above story stated he didn’t see signs for a gun free zone to remind him to put his gun away. 

The training for a conceal and carry permit involves knowing and understanding when the presence of a concealed gun is acceptable – and having passed that test, the carrier should have known to put the gun away. 

Also note that at places like schools – especially in a high school football stadium, the sign that says “Gun Free Zone” might be covered up by people, so the presence of the sign is just a reminder. The lack of sign makes no difference.

What happens if I conceal and carry at a football game?

While we don’t endorse breaking the law in regards to bringing a gun into a high school football game – you might not get caught. 

Unfortunately, if you do get caught, you might lose the permit, be charged with at least a misdemeanor and potentially have the gun confiscated by police. 

In most states, conceal and carry permits are carefully given out to people who should understand the rules about when and where they can carry.

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Check your local laws

Admittedly, conceal and carry laws might vary a bit. You should also know that while an out of school event might be in a place where conceal and carry permits are allowed – it’s still a school event and you shouldn’t carry anyway.

Our best suggestion is to call your local sheriff or nearby resources center for conceal and carry. You could also get in touch with people who help people qualify for conceal and carry tests.

Why would you carry a gun into a high school football game?

Conceal and carry permit holds tend to carry a gun for their own protection and the protection of others. Given the crowds that are often at games, it isn’t unreasonable to want to bring a firearm for yourself. 

With that said, part of the reason why a gun isn’t allowed is because the location is often still a school, and there is usually a police and medical presence at a football game in case someone gets hurt.

Would telling an officer you have a gun help?

No. While this does help in a traffic stop, that is the privacy and safety of your own car. When you are at a public event, informing an officer that you have a gun will probably get you arrested instead.

Where should I put my gun when going to a high school football game?

The same place you would probably place your gun if going to another location that doesn’t permit weapons – either in your vehicle or leaving it at home.

Key Takeaways

  • A gun is not allowed at a high school football game, even with a conceal and carry permit
  • If caught, the carrier will likely be arrested and could have both that gun and their permit taken away
  • Guns are also usually not allowed at school events that take place off campus
  • Contact your sheriff or local gun law groups to know the rules

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